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Configuring authentication of the Pega Web mashup channel

Learn how to configure authentication for the Pega Web mashup channel that is required for launching Theme UI-Kit service requests in the Constellation application.

Note: In this demonstration, basic authentication is used. In production environments, it is recommended to use SSO.

The same authentication context is used to authenticate Pega Web mashup when the Theme UI-Kit service request is launched from the Constellation application using Pega Web mashup.

For more information on how to configure an Oauth 2.0 authentication profile for secure communication between the remote Theme UI-Kit application and the local Constellation application, see the Configuring an OAuth 2.0 authentication profile article on the Pega Documentation site.


Log in to the local Constellation application as an administrator. In the header of Dev Studio, search for and open the cyRemoteMashupURLForProxy application settings rule. Override the rule in the implementation application ruleset and update the Production Level Values to the value in the data-pega-url element from the Web mashup code.

Note: For SSO login, append the data-pega-url value with the authentication service name. For example:
For more information, see the Creating an authentication service article on the Pega Documentation site.

Click Save.

In non-SSO environments, a login dialog box is displayed to utilize basic authentication. To suppress this feature, in the header of Dev Studio, search for and open the cySetMashUpGadgetAttributes data transform. In the data transform, update the cxRemoteAppUserID and cxRemoteAppPasswd properties with the credentials of user present in both the remote and the local applications.

Note: Remember that the data transform requires the entry of a password in a base64 format.

Click Save.

In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records > Security > Oauth 2.0 Client Registration. On the Instances tab, click CS_OAuth_ProxyRemote. In the Client Credentials section, click Regenerate client secret. On the Regenerate client secret dialog box, click Regenerate. Download the file onto the hard drive.

Scroll down to the Supported grant types section and select the Client credentials checkbox. In the Access group field, enter the name of the access group present in your Constellation implementation application. Click Save. Log out of the Constellation application.

Log into the remote Theme UI-Kit application. In the header of Dev Studio, search for and open the CS_OAuth_ProxyRemote authentication profile. In the Client secret field, enter the password from the text file downloaded in the client registration rule of the Constellation application. In the Endpoint configuration section, update the Access token endpoint and Revoke token endpoint fields with the corresponding values from the text file. Click Save.

Next, configure the authentication for remote data views. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click Records > Security > Oauth 2.0 Client Registration. On the Instances tab, click CS_OAuth_RemoteWork. In the Client Credentials section, click Regenerate client secret. On the Regenerate client secret dialog box, click Regenerate. Lastly, download the file onto the hard drive.

Scroll down to the Supported grant types section and select the Client credentials checkbox. In the Access group field, enter the name of the access group from the Theme UI-Kit application. Click Save and log out of the remote Theme UI-Kit application.

Log back into the local Constellation application. In the header of Dev Studio, search for and open the CS_OAuth_RemoteWork authentication profile. In the Client configuration section, update the Client secret field with the password from the text file downloaded in the client registration rule of the Theme UI-Kit application. In the Endpoint configuration section, update the Access token endpoint and Revoke token endpoint fields with the corresponding values from the text file. Click Save.

In the header of Dev Studio, search for and open the cyRemoteDataViewsURL application settings. Save the rule into the implementation ruleset and update the Value for each of the Production Levels to the URL of the Theme UI-Kit implementation application.

Note: The URL should be in the following format:

Click Save.

Now, optimize the cxRemoteCaseID property for Interaction and Service cases tables. In the navigation pane of Dev Studio, click App. In the Service-Work class, click Data Model > Property. Right-click the cxRemoteCaseID and select Optimize for reporting.

Note: If your implementation application includes customized report definitions MyWorklist, MyWorkbaskets, or MyTeamWorklist, add the following filter condition to them: cxRemoteCaseID Is equal to null.

If you need to include additional columns to the worklist or workbasket, use the extension data transform rules provided in the following data pages: D_MyWorkListForRemote, D_MyWorkbasketsForRemote, D_MyTeamWorklistForRemote.

To fetch the unified worklists and workbaskets, use the following views: MyUnifiedWorklist, MyUnifiedWorkbaskets, and MyTeamUnifiedWorklist.

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