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Importing story templates

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Note: The following content, referenced from Pega Community, is included here to help you better achieve the module learning objectives.

Track and manage development of your application by importing stories into Agile Workbench. By importing stories into your project you can ensure that your development team correctly prioritizes work, for example, by focusing on stories with a high priority.

Before you begin: Create a story template. For more information, see Populating story templates.
  1. In the header of App Studio, click the Agile Workbench icon.

  2. In the header of Agile Workbench, click the More icon, and then click Application Profile.

  3. At the top of the project overview, click Actions Import stories .

  4. In the Import stories window, select a story template to upload by clicking Choose File.

  5. Upload the story template by navigating to the location of the file, and then clicking Open.

  6. Click Import.

    Note: The stories that you imported are visible in Agile Workbench, in the Stories tab.

  • Populating story templates

    Automate the creation of stories by populating the columns in a story template with functional requirements. By implementing stories, you can track, manage, and communicate development of your projects. For example, you can define which stories contain features that are essential to your application, so that your development team can prioritize their work.

  • Exporting stories

    Export stories to quickly share information with project stakeholders.

  • Troubleshooting errors with a story template

    Errors may occur when you create stories in bulk. Use the following guidance to resolve issues with the story templates that you import to Agile Workbench.

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