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Viewing a pipeline report

Reports provide a variety of information about all the deployments in your pipeline. For example, you can view the frequency of new deployments to production.

You can view the following key performance indicators (KPI):
  • Deployment success factor – Percentage of deployments that are successfully deployed to production
  • Pipeline completion frequency – Frequency of new deployments to production
  • Deployment speed – Average time taken for a deployment to complete all stages of the pipeline
  • Failure rate – Average number of task failures per deployment
  1. Open the pipeline by doing one of the following actions:
    • If the pipeline open, click Actions View report .
    • If a pipeline is not open, in the navigation pane, click Reports. Next, in the Pipeline field, press the Down arrow key and select the name of the pipeline for which to view the report.
  2. The pipeline report presents all deployments triggered in the last 30 days by default. If you want to expand or narrow the deployments to a certain time frame, select the dates from the date range filter.

Understanding the Pipeline report

The Pipeline Report provides the following information about the health and performance of a selected pipeline:

  • Success indicators
  • Focus indicators
  • Pipeline audit

Success indicators

This report provides an overview of how your teams are performing with delivering high-quality applications to Production and how quickly the application is delivered to end users. The Success indicators include the following components:

  • Deployment success factor
  • Pipeline completion frequency
  • Deployment speed
  • Failure rate

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about each Success indicator.

Check your knowledge with the following interaction.

Focus indicators

This report extracts the details of where most of the lead time is consumed. It highlights areas that require attention in terms of tasks and stages. Additionally, this report improves the lead time by acting on the potential areas of concern. The Focus indicators include the following components:

  • The average time is taken in each stage
  • The tasks by the number of failures
  • The average time is taken per task

In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about each Focus indicator.

    Check your knowledge with the following interaction.

    Pipeline audit

    The Pipeline audit timeline provides information about the state change of a pipeline and the user who performed the change.

    In the following image, click the + icons to learn more about each Pipeline audit component.

    This Topic is available in the following Module:

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