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Creating reports that combine data from multiple classes

Creating an Insight

Creating a new entity

Neuen Szenariotest-Case erstellen

Designating a relevant record

Exporting an application

Merging a development Branch

Skimming a Ruleset

Importing customer data from a CSV

  • Défi

    Importing customer data from a CSV

    2 Tâches

    10 mins

    Visible to: All users
  • U+ Bank wants to improve the experience of its customers with predictive and adaptive analytical models that drive personalized decisions. Following...

Inspecting a Deployment Manager pipeline

  • Défi

    Inspecting a Deployment Manager pipeline

    7 Tâches

    10 mins

    Visible to: All users
  • You are the Release Manager for three applications, HRApps, ITApproval, and PegaGP. As a Release Manager, you are responsible for managing the...

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